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HomeMembership Info

Become an ICF Michigan Member!

Check out our Top 10 Reasons to Join

Please Click Here to register as a member and pay by credit card or PayPal.

NOTE: All membership rates will be effective the first business day of the month.

If you have questions about renewing or joining for the first time, please email with your question.


Single Membership Renewal Date

ICF Michigan membership is billed annually, and all memberships expire on May 31 of the following year. Monthly or quarterly payments are not accepted at this time. New ICF Memberships will be prorated based on the month you join the ICF. For example, membership fees for January, February and March include the prorated amount for the current membership year plus next year’s membership fee.

NOTE: The first cost column is a discounted rate for members of ICF Global. To become a member of Global, please go here –

If you are not a member of ICF Global, and do not wish to become a member of ICF Global, then please pay the “Non-ICF Membership” rate.